It was a very benificial meeting; to myself and to my dog, George. I'm appreciate that Lynda from Zeus Communication Singapore, is willing to bring along the Thundershirt and Rescue remedy to me. Also, I'm so grateful that she present me the Vagabond Calender 2012.
Once I was back house, I straight read through the calender back-page story.... I was attracted to the TELEPATHY and the ANIMAL HEALING.
I realised that I'm lack of communication skill to lias with my pets, especially my dog, George. I hope George could be in a more calm and happy lives with me; with what I learn from Lynda.
Hopefully, too I could attend their workshop one of these day..... Of course I'm happy to hear that Rosina will come to Malaysia in February next year!!
Selfies by Bonita
11 hours ago
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